Everything's Fine

Hi Reader,

Aspirations are good to have because they help keep hope alive. If there is always a goal in front of you then there will always be a reason to run farther, strive harder, and try more. Allow yourself to motivate yourself.

Feedback Requested

In the next couple of weeks we will be sending out a survey asking about your Life with Ken experience. This will help us continue to provide relevant content for you and improve and refine our offerings. We will mention it again closer to when we will actually send it, as well as announce the giveaways. That's right participating may win you something! We hope to hear from you.

What I am Interested in this Week:

Israel at War

After World War II Jewish people were scattered across Europe and subsequently the world. Around this time is when the United States and Britain along with the united Nations, decided to divide up Palestine land and give a portion of it to Jewish people. 75 years later with the continued help of U.S and international aid, Israel has become a shining beacon of democracy in the middle east. All the while encapsulating more land in that region and displacing (put politely) Palestinians.

All of this began to come to a head on December 6, 2017, when former President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the American embassy there from Tel Aviv. This was a relatively unprecedented move because Jerusalem up to that point had been neutral territory because of it's significance to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. For the last several decades amid on and off peace talks, Palestinians have fought at various times to reclaim their land and as a response to Jewish colonialism in general.

On Saturday the terrorist organization Hamas launched a surprise offensive against Israel which was also the Jewish holiday, Simchat Torah. Hamas is a Palestinian nationalist organization. They fired an onslaught of rockets into northern Israel around 6:30am that morning. On Sunday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu formally declared war with Palestine, and they (Israel) have retaliated with bombs in the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu is planning on exacting revenge.

Hamas is funded by Iran who is funded by the United Sates. U.S Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Sunday's Meet the Press however, that the funds given to Iran do not go towards terrorist activities. I support Israel because I believe the land is rightfully theirs from a biblical stand point. That being said, the cruelty of being a displaced people in your own land is hard not to notice. Click here to read an Article on this story.

Kevin McCarthy Ousted

On Wednesday of Last Week Kevin McCarthy (R) was voted out of his role as Speaker of the House of Representatives. Since the inception of the position there has always been a one vote rule for removing the Speaker from office. No house of representatives member ever exercised that power to vote out a speaker expect for back in 1910, but even then Joseph Cannon (R) was able to avoid the motion to vacate. On Wednesday the motion to vacate was brought to the floor by Matt Gaetz (R) of Florida.

Gaetz and other house members pointed to McCarthy being untrustworthy. He went back on the promises he made to the freedom caucus in regards to the national debt (which we covered last newsletter). He supposedly had a secret deal with President Joe Biden for funding for Ukraine aside from the 45 day continuing resolution.

In an shocking move the entire democratic caucus and eight (8) republicans in a show of bipartisanship, voted out Speaker Kevin McCarthy for the first time in American History. Republicans seek to reelect a speaker this week so that they can get back to the business of governing. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R) and possibly other house members are considering submitting Donald Trump's name for nomination for speaker. You do not need to be a member of the House of Representatives to be speaker. Click here to read an article on this story.

Word of Encouragement

This Week I want to Encourage you to take life seriously. A lack of seriousness can impede success. While on one hand you shouldn't take yourself too seriously, on the other hand if you don't hold yourself in high regard, you won't be taken seriously by others. Society wants a leader. You may be that leader. No, you can be that leader. But to do so you must show the world that you are serious about what you're doing, who you are as a person, and about making a difference.

Have a transformative week!

All the best,


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