Happy New Year!

Hey Reader,


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm excited and we're excited here at Life with Ken to get this new year underway! I hope the year has been off to a good start for you. I've been hard at work on a few different projects. There are also some concerns on my plate right now that I'm praying for a good outcome for, but regardless, we want to give you our best!



The Barrier to Entry

Developed society has a counter intuitive nature in relation to your self-actualization. The point of society is to create abundance and make sure that you don't have worry about certain needs. The drawback of this security is it inhibits your self determination and ability to develop hard skills. Hard skills is self determination and self determination is hard skills.

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What I am Interested in Week:


U.S Gov Funding

On Sunday the United States Congress came to a fiscal year 2024 spending agreement of $1.6 Trillion. The bill still has a few hurdles to cross before becoming law but includes $886 billion of taxpayer money to the military, and somewhere between $704 billion and $772.7 Billion of taxpayer money to non military spending. The defense spending was already agreed upon on December 22, 2022. This new spending bill comes as the stopgap bill from November 15, 2022 is set to expire on January 19, 2024.

That bill instituted at two tier approach to appropriations with some of the governments responsibilities funded through January 19, 2024 while the rest funded through February 2, 2024. There are a total of 12 spending bills that need to be passed. There are ongoing negotiations around spending limits for each of these bills hence the disparity on the number for non military spending. One ongoing conversation is around money for the border, Ukraine, and Israel. Click here to read an article on this story.​


There are other stories on my radar but none that in my opinion have enough relevancy or are momentous enough to endure a week. Follow me on X (twitter) where I cover more stories and share updates on stories featured in the Newsletters.


Word of Encouragement


This week I want to encourage you to not fill the space. Embrace the silences of your life this week. It can be customary for people to get jittery or anxious in the presence of silence. Silence can be taken or seen as being awkward or disconcerting, but actually it's noise and over stimulation that is abnormal. Objectively we've been conditioned to be desensitized via over stimulation. Your tolerance for sensory overload may be so high that you don't realize that you're constantly consuming and taking in more to compensate and deal with your diminished ability to perceive and receive. The best thing to do when there is nothing to do is nothing. Be willing to learn from the silence this week.


Have an inspiring week this week! Feel free to reach out by responding to this email or here, and follow Life with Ken on social media.

All the best,



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