Reform and Refine

Hey Reader,

There are things in life that are going to try to bring you down, don’t be one of them. Don’t add fuel to whatever fires may already be burning in your life. Become a problem solver not just a problem identifier or God forbid, a problem exacerbater.

Message From Ken

I was determined to get a Newsletter out this week. We originally planned to release one last week as that was when we came off vacation. That said I needed some extra time to recalibrate from my time off, but we have still been publishing other content. Be sure to follow Life with Ken on our social media pages, especially X(twitter) where we regularly post updates about any happenings with our operation.

I have some content from my time off that I wanted to share with you but my phone broke and I didn’t back up any of that content. My technology journey recently has been one of strife and I realize that there are some things I can and should do to shore up the preservation and accessibility to any data related to Life with Ken that I keep. If/when I can I will post some things on the website, more information to come.

New Direction

One reason why it took us an extra week to get back up to speed is that Life with Ken is going in a slightly different direction from a business perspective. I have gotten rid of all Life with Ken courses. I did this because creating and keeping courses updated no longer benefited this operation.

When I first created a course I did so for two main reasons, one, I needed a Newsletter sign-up bonus at the time, and two, I was uninclined to do other things that could advance the Life with Ken brand. Myself and Life with Ken are at a place where those reasons are no longer valid.

I created courses out of fear. When I originally started this Life with Ken project I was afraid to be the keyman. I’ve said it before but my natural disposition I feel is to be behind the scenes and not out in front of everyone. That ship has kind of sailed with my book about to publish with my face plastered on the cover! If I want what I want out of life, which at this point I still do, then it’s going to require me to get out of my comfort zone and rise to the occasion of my calling.

I could have kept the courses live and up to date, but given what I just mentioned about my growth journey and what is required to maintain the courses, I feel at this time that it’s best to move on from that endeavor. To that end, at least for the rest of this year, I am going to be releasing various lessons from The Success Course, Financial Literacy Course, and Actualize Yourself. I will not be publishing everything, but you can expect drips of content in the form of articles and videos across This Newsletter, our YouTube channel, and on Substack. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any of that content as it releases.

Website Updates

The Life with Ken main website is getting updated to reflect our direction change away from courses. I initially didn’t realize how much of what I did was based on the business of selling courses. Again, that business model for me, was at least in part curated out of fear. We are steering away from leveraging various assets to boost trust, reliability, and expertise.

There are other ways for us to do that. Going forward we are leaning more into the lifestyle aspect of Life with Ken and making that a more tangible experience for you. We are expanding our store offerings with Lifestyle products that are sure to resonate with you and improve your day to day. There will be more details to come as we finalize some of the website changes over the course of the next few weeks.

New Products in the Store

We have new products in the Life with Ken store available for purchase now: Some of these items may be an affiliate product. We are compensated when an affiliate product is purchased via the links we share. Click here to review our privacy policy for more information.

SUTERA Stone Bath Mat

Eco-friendly luxury for your everyday life.

Crafted from natural diatomaceous earth, this innovative bath mat offers a unique and sophisticated alternative to traditional fabric mats.


Get a stronger, healthier, and youthful jawline.

Jawzrsize is a revolutionary facial fitness device. It provides a simple yet effective way to tone, strengthen, and define your jawline for a dynamic and sculpted appearance.

Stanley Quencher H2.0 FlowState Tumbler

Stanley Quencher H2.0 FlowState Tumbler, with it’s variety and durability, is the ideal companion for your life’s adventures.

These products and more are currently available in the Life with Ken store and even more are coming soon!

Get Your Mind Right

My new book, "Get Your Mind Right" releases this November 19,2024. Pre-order your copy now. This book is about how you can improve your lived experience by acknowledging challenges you may have faced or are currently facing, and mustering up the courage and resolve to change the trajectory of your life for the better. For more details and to pre-order click here.


Here is some content that can be an additional source of inspiration for you this week:

As someone who cut his teeth at the start of his professional career doing door to door sales, I understand that I must keep pushing ahead. Click here to read this article.

I would rather have, from where I sit today (these things can change), less people, places, and things, doing more and being properly compensated for it, than more nouns doing less, period. Click here to read this article.

Executing on your goals is about allocation of resources. How much money are you putting away every week, month, quarter, year, or half decade that is going directly, exclusively, and specifically towards your financial goals? Click here to read this article.

Kenneth on Get Your Mind Right

video preview

This is Ken's take on his upcoming book "Get Your Mind Right". Learn more about what into making the book and what you can expect when it releases. You can also click here to get an advanced copy to review.

What I am Interested in This Week:

Obama Comments

Over the weekend while Barack Hussein Obama was on the campaign trail in a campaign blitz for Kamala Harris, in the final weeks leading up to election day, he took some time to speak to the "brothas," about why they aren't showing enthusiasm for Harris like they did for him. While I don't feel compelled to speak on this, I saw that his comments have been making their rounds, and as a "brotha" AKA a black man, I am going to give my two scents. You can watch his full remarks, but essentially he said it doesn't make sense to him why a black man wouldn't support a black woman who know us [personally] over someone like Donald Trump.

The first part is, Kamala's blackness is questionable. She passes the one drop rule which she alluded to in an All the Smoke podcast interview, but at most, she's black when convenient. Also, she's Indian. Obama, do you have any words for Indian men? Let's not forget she is overseeing an open border which disproportionately affects black men and poor white men. She's also part of the Obama third term via Joe Biden, which is overseeing a genocide. Is Obama going to scold Michigan uncommitted male Muslim voters? She is doing poorly with black men because the current administration of which Kamala would do nothing different from, as she mentioned on The View, sucks. The Biden-Harris administration sucks. A plurality of the working class is suffering.

Obama doesn't have as much clout as he would like to either. Obeezy did nothing for black people other than be a diversity hire. He had all the hope and change but when he got in office there was no black agenda put in place other than a few pardons in his second term. He wanted to send American jobs oversees via the Trans Pacific Trade agreement. He facilitated some of the cultural depravity we see today. He thinks that black faces in high places is enough. People GOAT him and say he's a "prolific speaker," I don't think so. I don't think his oratory skills are all of that. That's neither here or there, but the point is, maybe if he demonstrated his commitment to black culture in ways beyond sentimentalism or neo-pandering, what he has to say would be more impactful.

He says one more thing that I want to touch on, that black men may not want to vote for Kamala because of misogyny. That's not completely true. For some yes. Some men in general, regardless of race, don't want to have a woman president in America. Personally I empathize with that position. I don't think a woman should lead in that way; the truth is some women think that too. Don't believe these fake polls that keep saying Kamala is up everywhere but the race is still close. She's losing. That said, there are plenty of people in America ready for a woman president, Kamala, and Hillary for that matter, aren't and weren't right ones respectively.

The politics of at least Obama and Hillary are, I am important because of my identity as a black person, or as a woman. People are waking up and saying identity politics can't be the only qualifying factor for president anymore. That doesn't mean vote Trump, for many it may mean, stay home. Either way the American electorate is proving itself to be smarter than the games some politicians are playing this election cycle. I'm sure there will be more backlash to come for these comments from Obama.

The United States Sends More Weapons to Israel

As you may or may not know we've been following the Israel war since it started. I didn't speak on the one year anniversary last week but the landscape of the war has changed. Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, is becoming untethered. Biden is the only person who can stop him in the form of no longer sending weapons; but Biden has been phoning it in ever since he got coup'ed. The deep state is running the country and they are unelected individuals forcing a square peg into a round hole because America hegemony must remain.

To that end, The pentagon has announced that they are sending a THAAD missile system and troops to Israel to help them ward of the potential of an Iranian attack. Israel, while still decimating Gaza and Palestinians, now wants a buffer zone between itself and Lebanon because of Hezbollah. Within the last couple of weeks Israel has killed top Hezbollah leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, in Lebanon. This has bolstered the resolve of Israel and the U.S. Department of Defense (D0D), while at the same time causing Iran to take a more combative posture. Hezbollah is an Iranian proxy in Lebanon and the supreme leader of Iran has said that retaliation is imminent and nothing is off the table. Benjamin Netanyahu wants a war with Iran and more importantly wants the United States involved in a war with Iran.

The longer and more wide spread this war in the middle east is, the longer Netanyahu can remain in power and avoid paying for his crimes. The United States government is willing to go along with this because of the support we have for Israel and because of our unending war of domination with Russia. Russia is a supporter of Iran and vice versa. Russia to America also represents a super power that rivals the U.S. in various ways, since World War II and the Cold War. The Pentagon and the DoD want to uphold post WWII global norms, but a failure of leadership at the top, more so than the terrorism the U.S. engages in around the world, is eroding our ability to stay the dominant top dog.

America's enemy's are closer than ever and we helped create some of them and or at least their union. Dedollarization is underway. Regardless of what the DoD does they are not president. In fact President Dwight Eisenhower warned America about the danger of letting the DoD lead our country in his farewell address. But certain people want an individual who is for more genocide and unwilling to do something different about the wars all over the world, that are thanks to the U.S., to be the next president because of their melanin levels and what they do or don't have between their legs.

Honorable Mention - Hurricane Milton and Helene - These two hurricanes happened over the last couple of weeks and have devastated communities. Officials say Helene was Katrina level in terms of damage. Hurricane season is still happening for a while so their may be more storms like this, but my thoughts and prayers are with those going through.

Word of Encouragement

This week I want to encourage you to not give up so easily. Over the weekend my car battery died. I put a new battery in my car less than a year ago so I just needed a jump. I asked someone to give me a jump and they agreed. When they jumped my car it took a while for the car to turn back on. I was upset. I thought that there was potentially something wrong and my life started flashing before my eyes. The person who was helping said "give it a minute." I did. After about 3 minutes or so he said try again. I did. And the car immediately came back on. I share this story because I was ready to throw in the towel and give up. I was ready to write my car and potentially my immediate future off as failures. But that guy said wait. Had he gave up as quickly as I did I don't know where I'd be right now. All of this still knowing that my car is fine, the battery is new, and nothing is wrong. I knew all of that and I was still ready to quickly give up. So don't give up. And also shout out to those who can help you not give up.

There is a lot in this Newsletter and I decided to leave some information out, follow us on social media to get more up dates throughout the week.

Have a fantastic week!

All the best,



I apologize for the Newsletter coming late. Please give me some grace as things are evidently in flux right now. I try to get the Newsletter out definitely before noon est. We will get back to that but be understanding if it takes some time.

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