Power Moves

Hey Reader,

When you are on a mission or have set a goal for yourself one of the first things your opposition may try to do is derail you in some way. You must become good at letting things roll off of you and or being able to press forward anyway. Believe for good even from those things that may not appear to be so.

We are featuring articles and videos on Life with Ken that focus on our core tenets. We are releasing content related to this series every Tuesday. Last week's subject was Success and how here at Life with Ken we want to empower and encourage you to overcome your fears, and that by doing so is how you can achieve a certain level of success relevant to your life. Click here to check out the What Makes what we do Matter series on the main website. This week's subject is "relationships."

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What I am Interested in This Week:

Iranian President Killed in Helicopter Crash

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian along with other state officials, were killed in a helicopter crash in the mountainous terrain near Azerbaijan. They were on a diplomatic trip and while they were on their return voyage they encountered harsh weather conditions including rain, snow, and fog. The immediate rescue and recovery effort took 10 hours due to the inclement conditions. The voyage included three helicopters but only the one carrying the president and foreign minister crashed, the other two safely arrived to their destination.

President Raisi was seen as a potential successor to Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The Ayatollah said that this incident will not derail Iran from it's affairs. Mohammad Mokhber, Iran's vice president, has assumed the position of president on an interim basis with the expectation of a presidential election to happen within the next 50 days. As this story continues to develop with the conflicts currently happening in that region of the world, it will be interesting to see what other news and discoveries come from this. Click here to read an article on this.

Biden, a Morehouse Man?

On Sunday President Joe Biden delivered the commencement address to the 2024 graduating class at Morehouse College, a Historically Black College and University, and the alma mater of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Biden gave prepared remarks highlighting faith, convicition, determination, his experiences, and his record as president. He announced an initiative to provide HBCUs with $16 billon dollars of funding. He invoked Jesus, faith, and the power of perseverance. Biden also touted his presidential agenda including gun legislation, economic relief and upward mobility, student loan forgiveness, and his position on Israel and Gaza.

Israel and Gaza was an inflection point for Biden going into this speech with protests happening on campuses around the nation; he called for a ceasefire and the return of hostages. The event went well with hardly any protests during Biden’s speech. There were some silent protests with a handful of students turning their back during his speech and one wearing a Palestinian flag. There was a more lively protest happening on the perimeter of where the commencement was held. Morehouse’s president didn’t want any unruly behavior at the commencement. Part of the optics of this is that Biden is doing poorly with black people in America electorally, and he’s hemorrhaging black male support. This was a campaign stop as much as it was a commencement speech. Click here to read an article on this story.

Courtroom Campaign Conclusion

Former President Donald Trump may have a verdict in his hush money trial in New York this week. Closing arguments are likely to be made this Tuesday leaving only deliberation left. On April 15, 2024 Trump started appearing in court for a hush money case where he has been accused of falsifying documents to hide a hush money payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels. This case was brought to court by District Attorney Alvin Bragg of New York, and immediately followed the fraud case prosecuted by Attorney General Letitia James of New York. In that Trump was found guilty of fraudulent business dealings inflating the value of his assets. Both of these cases are interludes for the Georgia case, where Trump is being charged for conspiracy for trying to tamper with Georgia’s 2020 presidential election results.

The indictment for that case came on August 14, 2023, but the case has yet to start. District Attorney Fani Willis who is prosecuting this case, was taken to court herself by the Trump defense team for a conflict of interest, after it was made known that her boyfriend was working the case as well. The judge found that Fani Willis can remain on the Trump case, but the Trump team has appealed. The only case with any teeth right now is this hush money payment one where if found guilty, Trump is likely to appeal. Some lawyers and legal scholars are suggesting however, that the prosecution has not met the burden of proof in this case. Trump has at least two campaign events scheduled towards the end of this week. Click here to read an article on this story.

Word of Encouragement

This week I want to encourage you in that no one and nothing can stop you. You can do anything that you put your mind to. Your are more powerful than you can even imagine. Your tenacity and fortitude is greater than any obstacle you may come up against. Don’t let perception cloud reality. And even if your reality and perception are clear and that clarity suggests something negative, know that nothing is over until to decide to quit. Don’t give your opposition the victory by quitting on yourself. Stand in what you know to be true, believe better, believe for better, and impose your will to materialize a desired outcome regardless of circumstance. You are a winner.

I hope you have a week that leads to a breakthrough preferably in the immediate!

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All the best,


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