
Hey Reader,

Sometimes in life you could be on your journey to wherever you're going and for one reason or another, you don't fully consider the scope and scale of what it is you're trying to accomplish. Some naïveté is a good thing especially when on an adventure because if you knew the things you don't or didn't know prior to, you may have never started. But at some point an inevitable thought may come to your mind of what if I don't...?

The question for you in that scenario then becomes are you willing to try even if you don't? Have what you want out of your life be so valuable that the thought and reality of it materializing far exceeds the thought and reality of it not. That way even if you don't do whatever it is you want to do with your life, at least you were willing to try, and because of what you wanted, the will to try was worth it.

Black History Month 2024

It's February so that means it's Black History Month in America! ✊🏾 I didn't realize this until 2022 but they have a Black History Month in the UK and Ireland in October. Black is beautiful and black is powerful. Black people are also the original people of earth. People first came from Africa. People surviving and or migrating in and from Africa historically means they had to be black, because of the sun. Black people in America are a key political constituency.

Our causes sometimes get usurped because of a general lack of education in the black community. Colorism and the field and house slave dynamics are still at play to a certain degree. Historically were not the most united people. But also we can be seen as a little too inclusive in regards to non-black people and their plights. I don't know where we go from here as a people group on planet earth, but I think it's safe to say that black people have a relatively different approach to life than the imperialist aspirations of our fairer counterparts.

What I am Interested in This Week:

Stories on my radar this week aren't intrinsically noteworthy, and if anything some are just updates to stories we've covered in the past. This fact is a byproduct of the quality of content we at Life with Ken seek to produce for you at a high level every week. Here are the highlights:

Killer Mike was detained at the Grammy's held on Sunday for an altercation during the ceremony; no additional details at this time. He won Best Rap Album.

Joe Biden is meeting with Black leaders around America to discuss gun violence this week as part of a initiative he's calling Community Violence Awareness Week. Biden also won the South Carolina primary, and there are over 1000 black clergy members demanding of him a ceasefire in Gaza.

Biden also authorized a wave of airstrikes over the weekend in Syria and Iraq as a retaliation for last week's attack on a US Base in Jordan that killed three American troops.

The Senate has released a border bill with aid for Ukraine and Israel as a show of initiative as contrast to the House of Representatives. The house is working on their own bill(s). Speaker Mike Johnson is open to reading the bill from the senate but is not willing to compromise on the US southern border. Congress approved additional funding to Israel back in November 2023, and the House of Representatives isn't eager to fund Ukraine anymore.

Follow Ken on X (twitter) for his take on relevant news.

Word of Encouragement

This week I want to encourage you to take it easy on yourself. The universe is conspiring on your behalf. Capital "L" life wants to workout in your favor. For all the good and bad that could be you are blessed to be experiencing what is. Revel in what is. What is wouldn't be if you didn't put any effort into it. Sure maybe you wish you did things differently in the past, maybe your time behind you is greater than the time in front of you, or maybe you want to give up.

Wherever you find yourself today and this week, cut yourself some slack. Hold yourself to a standard, but also know that missing a mark you set for yourself isn't a death sentence for your aspirations. Meaningfully utilize your efforts. If you could make it this far, with focused effort and energy there is plenty more for you to do.

Have a great week!

All the best,


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